Monday, September 17, 2007

Another Prayer Request

Hi, Tonight when I picked the boys up at their dads shop, I asked about one of Jerry, Coopers and Connors friend, Sammy. Well, Sammy is 10 or 11 years old. He has had some health issues the last couple of years. He had a brain surgery a year or so ago. The doctors know some about what is going on, but if there is a diagnosis, I don't know it as I don't know them that well. He went to Mayo in August I suppose. Last week they found out that his immune system is overworking and producing too many white blood cells. He is going to have treatment that will "kill?" his immune system. Therefore, he is going to have to quit school and be home schooled as he won't have the immunities to germs that most kids have. This is the saddest thing. Sammy is full of life as any 11 year old is and has had it rough. I just ask that anyone who has faith in the power of prayer, pray for Sammy's recovery. Every little bit helps!


JAV said...

So sorry to hear this news. You've had your fair share of heartache this year. Hope Cooper is well, though?

Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear about the little guy! I will keep him in my prayers. I have not been on your blog for a while...Sorry to hear about your friend Suzie :-) I am not sure if I told you Yvette's sisters Cancer is back (Cisco's cousin, Chris.) I will tell you more when I see you. Take care. Love you! Anussa