Thursday, August 23, 2007

What a week

Hi, Cooper is still sick. We finally were able to see the pediatrician this afternoon. He is leaning toward viral meningitis. Cooper shows the symptoms for sure. Cooper had a throat culture to rule out strep. We will be going back to the ped in the morning. He doesn't think he will need to do a spinal tap in the morning to test for it unless Cooper is doing a lot worse. Let's hope not. But, the doc thinks that he is on the downhill side anyway and that Coop should be over it in 7-10 days and we are already on day 7 or 8, so maybe by next week he will get to start school!
The other horrible thing about this week is that Susie passed away yesterday. She lost her battle with cancer. I am so sad for her family. Please pray for their comfort through this rough time.

1 comment:

JAV said...

Carmen -

I'm so sorry on both fronts. Glad that it sounds like Cooper will be ok, but so saddened to hear of your loss.

Hang in there.
