Thursday, June 28, 2007

Work, Medicine

Hi, Well, I have been back to work part time this week. It is amazing how draining it can be, even though I am not super busy yet. July will be a little more challenging I am sure, as I have a lot of reporting to do. We also have some permits to get out next week. I worked part of Wednesday and Thursday and will put in a few hours tomorrow also. It has been on my mind all week to call the doc, but I haven't gotten that done. I will be sure to get him called tomorrow.

The Explanation of Benefits from the insurance are coming through regularly. My insurance is picking up pretty well. What a relief that is. Most of the providers in Denver are so called "Preferred Providers", so there haven't been any charges above the "reasonable and customary" that the insurance won't pay. Thank GOD!!!

I have had a wake up call to MEDICINE this past year. My best friends sister has cancer. She has been fighting since last September. She is doing okay to date. The experience she is going through and my experience is what has amazed me. I guess that I had always thought that the doctors were like "all knowing" and could take care of things. In my case, that is what has happened, but in Susie's case, that doesn't seem to be. They just can't say what is going on... We want answers, we want test results, we want to just know. Unfortunately that is not always the case. I don't know why I decided to go into this now... BUT, for all of you who know the power of prayer, please pray for Susie and for the Lord to cure her.


Monday, June 25, 2007

Swimming and DQ

Hi, I took the boys swimming today at Mike Sedar pool, which isn't too far from our house. The boys had a blast. It was fun for me, except my head was achin' a little bit. I thought it was the sun, but now realize that I hadn't eaten anything yet. It was 1 when we went. We all got a little sunburn, but not too bad. Well, after the swimming was done, we had to go to the Dairy Queen for the ice cream. YUM!

I had intentions of calling the doctor today, to get clearance to go back to work, but didn't get that done. I will tomorrow. I am going to work a few hours on Wednesday and Thursday. I don't think I will work next week as it is the 4th and Cooper's birthday is that day and we will be making our annual camping trip to the Big Horn Mountains. It will be nice! The following week, I am planning on going to work for probably half days and then by the middle of July go back full time. We'll see how I am feeling and what the doc says!

I started writing this a while ago, so better wrap it up. It was a big day and I am exhausted. I am going to bed!

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

4 Weeks

Well, it's been 4 weeks since the surgery. I am amazed at how well the recovery process has been coming along. I started driving on Sunday. Not quite a month, but close. I think I am doing pretty well with it.

CNFR - the University of Wyoming women won! Way to go WYO!

Now I am trying to figure out when to go back to work. I haven't talked to any doctors or anything about my recovery, etc, except when I had my stitches out and not much was said there. I am going to call Dr. Muckle's office tomorrow and see what he has to say. I guess I should get a doctors release to go back to work...

Sue and Junior (her dog) went home today. Since the boys are at their dad's, I am going to try to get some organizing done. Hope that goes well. I have a lot of clutter to go through. Sue and I started on the boys room and dresser yesterday. That was a good start at least.

Well, I guess that is all for the moment... C.

Friday, June 15, 2007


College National Finals Rodeo
I forgot to tell you that the women at the University of Wyoming are in first place. They are ahead of Sam Houston State University by 165 points. GO WYO!!

UW 405
Sam Houston State 240

Here is the link:


Hi, I can't think of a title for this post... Well, anyway, things are going well for me. I am feeling good. I actually did have a big week considering that I had neurosurgery just over 3 weeks ago!

I went in to work on Wed for about 2 hours and went back on Thursday for about an hour. I had just a couple of things that needed to be handled, that I thought only I could do... I am sure someone else could have handled it, but it was just easier for me to take care of it. And, it was nice to get out and see people. I do get cabin fever pretty easily. I am just so used to being on the go.

Well, if that wasn't enough, I decided that the boys really needed to go to the College National Finals Rodeo that is here this week. Yes, Casper is the host! So, we packed up and went last night. It is a good show, that is for sure. The action never stops and it only lasted 2 hours. What was interesting was the noise and starting to adapt to the single sided hearing. (yes hearing, not deafness, like is the glass half empty or half full) Anyway, I was a little nervous about all of the stimulation and what not, but it wasn't too bad. We probably should have sat on the other end as I think all of the speakers were in the middle and the deaf ear was toward them, not the hearing ear. So, next time I go to the Events Center, I will be sure to get tickets accordingly! It was kind of hard to understand the announcer, but Sue said she couldn't understand either with 2 good ears, so it wasn't just me.

Well, that's about all going on here for the moment.

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

3 Weeks

Hi, Well, it has been 3 weeks since the surgery! I am feeling good. Actually, I am amazed at how well the recovery is coming. I am not having the balance issues that were anticipated. I am very thankful for that! I am getting around pretty easily.
The hearing is still not there. The main issue I am having with this is that I can not tell which direction sound is coming from.
I haven't driven yet, except to back out of the garage. That was okay. I am ready to attempt it I think. We'll see if Sue will let me. Also, Jerry said to not do it with the kids in the car, LOL.
Cooper did go to Jackson with his dad. Connor stayed here with me. They are both here with me now. School got out last week. It is very unusual being home all day with the boys. They are already bored. I guess we need to start going on some short outings. I walked with Connor over to the skate park on Saturday. I didn't walk home though.
Take care! C.

Tuesday, June 5, 2007


Hi everyone, today was not a good day, but now I am feeling better. I had a pretty good headache this morning. Hopefully not a regular thing. This evening, my neck is pretty sore and achey.

Yesterday was a pretty big day. In the morning, we went to Connor's Kindergarten graduation. It was fun. The afternoon, I went to Dr. Podrazik the local ENT and had my stitches removed. He said they should have come out a little sooner as it was pretty red, but his offices were closed so they could move. No big deal, it pulled and hurt a little on a couple of them, but not bad. Cooper had counted them last weekend and there were 16 if I remember right. Now, the incision site is really itchy. I guess that means it is healing.

Well, I have no hearing on the left. This could be permanent, but the docs say to give it a year before we really know. I think they wanted me to get a hearing test at 6 weeks. I am keeping some hope as the surgeons said the hearing nerve is in tact, and has a blood supply even though the tumor had stretched it. At this point, I am sure it is still swollen in there and will take some time for that to go down. The tinitus is load and clear. I don't know that it will ever go away, but I will eventually get more used to it. If the hearing does not return, there are a couple of options for hearing aids. I will wait before I worry about that though.

Tomorrow is two weeks since surgery!

Friday, June 1, 2007

June 1st

Hi there, Sorry that it has taken all week for an update. Not much is really going on. I feel pretty good. I am not having a lot of pain or anything. I have just been sleeping an awful lot. I guess that is what the recovery process takes. I couldn't sleep at all last night though. I finally got to sleep about 5 this morning. The boys were here last night, so Sue got them up and off to school and I slept until about 11:30. Not much else happened today.

Sue picked up the boys from school today too and they are going to stay all weekend. I also got some meals ordered from My 2nd Kitchen. They are going to deliver them. Thanks to everyone for that. It will definitely be a help to just throw something in the oven.

Well, I guess I will see how I make it through the weekend with the boys being home. Should be fine.

Everyone have a good weekend! C.