Tuesday, June 19, 2007

4 Weeks

Well, it's been 4 weeks since the surgery. I am amazed at how well the recovery process has been coming along. I started driving on Sunday. Not quite a month, but close. I think I am doing pretty well with it.

CNFR - the University of Wyoming women won! Way to go WYO!

Now I am trying to figure out when to go back to work. I haven't talked to any doctors or anything about my recovery, etc, except when I had my stitches out and not much was said there. I am going to call Dr. Muckle's office tomorrow and see what he has to say. I guess I should get a doctors release to go back to work...

Sue and Junior (her dog) went home today. Since the boys are at their dad's, I am going to try to get some organizing done. Hope that goes well. I have a lot of clutter to go through. Sue and I started on the boys room and dresser yesterday. That was a good start at least.

Well, I guess that is all for the moment... C.


JAV said...

Carmen -

If you have the kind of job you can ease in to, then your doc will probably say six weeks is fine. My job tends to be "in or out." Part time is not realistic and my hours are usually pretty long. My doctor asked me to take three months if I could manage it - so I did. I go back on Thursday. I don't feel 100% - and actually I have been feeling worse over the last three and a half weeks or so than I did for a while - but I'm certainly ready to go back.

My two cents: if you're feeling good - then, give it a whirl as soon as you can. But don't be surprised by setbacks, and take it easy if you can.

Also, I seem to have been more affected by the balance thing than you were, so I may be giving more conservative advice than necessary.

Sounds to me like you are doing great. Keep it up...


Carmen said...

Hi Joan, I will be able to ease back in. I am going in for a meeting with a salesman tomorrow morning. Don't ask me why I agreed to that, except for some of their engineering staff will be in town to talk to regulators. I am going to attempt some work next week also. Then, it is a holiday week, and we get 2 days off, the 4th and 5th. My Cooper's 10th birthday is the 4th. Our tradition is to go camping in the Big Horn Mountains for his birthday. We also get to set off fireworks at my sisters, so it will be a kick! I don't know how much I will work that week unless there is a lot to do. I may start back full time the week of the July 16th. My 20th class reunion is the previous week, so I will be attending that!
Thanks for the advice and correspondence!

JAV said...

Carmen - you are doing so great! Hope the meeting went ok. By the way - get earplugs for the fireworks ;)

Shelly Kenyon said...

Hi Carman,
My name is Shelly Kenyon. I had an Acoustic Neuroma in 1998. I went to Boston to get it removed. I would love to talk to you and encourage you in your recovery. It's nice to know there are others that experience the same things we go through.
I couldn't find your number on this page so I am going to give you mine. Please call me if you would like to visit. :)
Have a blessed day,
Shelly Kenyon

Carmen said...

Shelly, Great to hear from you, my email address is dragonflyclg@yahoo.com.
