Friday, June 1, 2007

June 1st

Hi there, Sorry that it has taken all week for an update. Not much is really going on. I feel pretty good. I am not having a lot of pain or anything. I have just been sleeping an awful lot. I guess that is what the recovery process takes. I couldn't sleep at all last night though. I finally got to sleep about 5 this morning. The boys were here last night, so Sue got them up and off to school and I slept until about 11:30. Not much else happened today.

Sue picked up the boys from school today too and they are going to stay all weekend. I also got some meals ordered from My 2nd Kitchen. They are going to deliver them. Thanks to everyone for that. It will definitely be a help to just throw something in the oven.

Well, I guess I will see how I make it through the weekend with the boys being home. Should be fine.

Everyone have a good weekend! C.


JAV said...

Good to hear from you. Sounds like you are doing great! Keep plugging along - and don't be upset if you feel like you go backwards some days. It's not linear, but it's steady! - Joan

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad to hear you are doing so well. But take time to let yourself heal-no rushing things you have your whole life to catch up on everything. So take this time for you. Say Hi to sue and the boys. Love Ya, Linda

Anonymous said...

Hey Carmen! It is good to hear that you have Sue helping and that you are able to see the boys. I am sure your famliy will make sure you are taking care of yourself. I am glad they are there!

Love ya! Anussa :-)