Sunday, May 20, 2007

Two days...

Well, the weekend is over and I didn't really accomplish too much. But, that is okay and the things that really need to be done, will get done tomorrow. Cooper and Connor and I had a good weekend. We did get to see Shrek the Third. We all enjoyed it! For those of you that didn't get to see it, Shrek and Fiona had triplets! That really wasn't what it was about, but probably a cliff-hanger for the fourth.

I want to thank everyone for offering help. I really don't know what help I will need at this point, but the offers are appreciated. If anything comes up, we will let you know.

Now for the details:

Surgery will be at Swedish Medical Center at 7:30 on Wednesday. They anticipate that it will take 6 hours. My sisters will be updating this blog as they feel is necessary or even just to pass the time (??). I don't have any idea what it will be like for them or me. But, maybe the updates will help them to stay occupied. I am sure that I will be out and not really caring.

I will be in the hospital approximately 5 days (I assume post surgery day). That means I will be coming home on Memorial Day, but we will see. I don't really know if I want to travel that day, as everyone will be trying to get home from the long weekend.

I am going to close for now, and try to post tomorrow or Tuesday.

Keep the prayers coming as this is in God's Hands now!

1 comment:

JAV said...

Hey, Carmen! Thanks for the comment on my blog. Glad you checked it out. Here is some unsolicited advice (you are going to be sorry I ever found you).

My surgery was on a Wednesday as well. I came home slightly earlier than anticipated - on Saturday morning. I bring it up because our insurance would have paid for a home nurse for me. Generally the way it works is they come and visit you when you get home to evaluate your needs and then a nurse is sent. I think this process is normally very fast - however, because I got released on the weekend and we hadn't arranged ahead of time, it would have taken until Monday to get someone there for the evaluation. We blew it off.

To tell you the truth, I didn't absolutely need a nurse, but I would have liked one to help get me in the shower and stuff like that. And since you have kids, you may appreciate some extra hands. Worth looking into if your insurance will pay - why not?

By the way - I was allowed to wash my hair the day I got home. That was the best shampoo of my life.

Ok, I'll butt out now. Good luck on Wednesday. I'll send good thoughts Westward.
